четверг, 28 июля 2016 г.


Мертвец (1995)

«Мертве́ц» (англ. Dead Man) — фильм американского режиссёра Джима Джармуша (1995), повествующий о мистическом (возможно, посмертном) путешествии скромного бухгалтера Уильяма Блейка, ведомого по Дикому Западу к Тихому океану индейцем по имени Никто. В ходе своего путешествия главные герои проделывают долгий путь от инфернального города эпохи промышленной революции сквозь зеркальные воды реки забвения к покинутому жителями культовому центру вымирающего племени индейцев. (c) Вики

Вопросы :
  1. Почему в названии нет артикля? (vs. The Matrix, The Godfather, A Clockwork Orange and etc)
  2. Почему фильм намеренно сделан черно-белым?
  3. Почему Джармуш выбрал в качестве эпиграфа фразу из рассказа Анри Мишо "It is preferable not to travel with a dead man"? 
  4. Случайно ли, что герой фильма бухгалтер?
  5. К чему такая деталь: расписание поездов оказывается напечатано на последней странице Illustrated Bee Journal, который герой листает в поезде?
  6. Как правильно перевести литоту: I wouldn't trust no words written down on no piece of paper especially from no "Dickinson" out in of the town of Machine? Еще одна: "Don't ask me no questions"
  7. Что за метафоры долгое путешествие в поезде, герой, не расстающийся с чемоданом,  листающий Bee Journal, глазеющий на сменяющих друг друга попутчиков и пейзажи, раскладывающий пасьянс, и в финале разговор с инфернальным кочегаром и прибытие в the town of Machine?
  8. Как правильно перевести the town of Machine? Почему так называется город?
  9. Nobody коррелирует с Образ проводницы у БГ?
  10. Что за метафора - зеркало? (Nobody: I will take you to the bridge made of waters. The mirror.)
  11. Что за метафора наличие табака, курение? У кого в фильме есть табак, кто его ищет, а кто курит?
  12. Какова корреляция с "Розенкранц и Гильденштерн мертвы"?

Additional materials

the Movie script

Buffalo slaughter
Some estimates suggest that before the slaughter started, 100 million buffalo meandered from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Canada to Mexico. More recent projections, based on the amount of forage needed to sustain a buffalo, put the number at between 30 million and 50 million. As the continent was settled by Europeans, the animals moved steadily westward; by the early 1800s, the herds were concentrated in the West.

Until the mid-1800s the survival of many Indian tribes depended on vast herds of wild bison; the natives hunted them on foot (using various strategies, including driving panicked animals off cliffs) and, after the 1600s, on horseback, when the Spanish reintroduced the horse to North America. Initially, Indians killed the bison for sustenance only, but when demand for buffalo robes and buffalo tongues--a great delicacy--developed in the East, they supplied the items to trading companies. During the early 1820s, nearly 200,000 buffalo were killed annually solely for their skins and tongues. During summer, when the buffalo's robe was poor, only the tongues might be taken.

In the 1830s, whites began to take over the killing chores. With Manifest Destiny steadily on the march, additional pressure on the buffalo herds--and on the Indians--came from the railroads rolling ever westward: Construction crews had to be fed, and the railroads contracted with buffalo runners (only novices referred to themselves as hunters) such as Buffalo Bill Cody, who in 18 months as a railroad employee killed 4,280 buffalo. To attract riders after construction was completed, the railroads advertised hunting excursions; as the trains chugged slowly through massive herds lining the tracks, macho sportsmen could maim buffalo without leaving the comfort--and safety--of their railroad cars.

William Blake (28 November 1757 – 12 August 1827) was an English poet, painter, and printmaker. Largely unrecognised during his lifetime, Blake is now considered a seminal figure in the history of the poetry and visual arts of the Romantic Age.

The commission for Dante's Divine Comedy came to Blake in 1826 through Linnell, with the aim of producing a series of engravings. Blake's death in 1827 cut short the enterprise, and only a handful of watercolours were completed, with only seven of the engravings arriving at proof form.

Blake's The Lovers' Whirlwind illustrates Hell in Canto V of Dante's Inferno

The Divine Comedy (Italian: Divina Commedia [diˈviːna komˈmɛːdja]) is an epic poem by Dante Alighieri, begun c. 1308 and completed 1320, a year before his death in 1321. It is widely considered the preeminent work of Italian literature and is seen as one of the greatest works of world literature. The poem's imaginative vision of the afterlife is representative of the medieval world-view as it had developed in the Western Church by the 14th century. It is divided into three parts: Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso.

+ 11.11.2016

Вот эта песня уместна тут по моему

+ 03.01.2017
нашелся важный кусочек пазла - рассказ Джека Лондона Нам-Бок - лжец.

+ 20.01.2017
еще кусочек пазла - Олдос Хаксли Двери восприятия
The Doors of Perception is a philosophical essay, released as a book, by Aldous Huxley. First published in 1954, it details his experiences when taking mescaline. The book takes its title from a phrase in William Blake's 1793 poem The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.
If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.
Huxley recalls the insights he experienced, which range from the "purely aesthetic" to "sacramental vision". He also incorporates later reflections on the experience and its meaning for art and religion.

Nobody = Don Juan Matus ?

+ 24.01.2017

from "Auguries of Innocence"
Every Night and every Morn
Some to Misery are Born.
Every Morn and every Night
Some are Born to sweet delight.
Some are Born to sweet delight,
Some are Born to Endless Night.

3 комментария:

  1. Чем примерно может заниматься бухгалтер в аду?

  2. ну, как же, а приход-расход горючего материала, списание остатков... смета, маржа..
    дебет с кредитом и в аду кто-то должен сводить

  3. ага
    представь ситуацию: кризис, ищешь работу, тут приходит письмо "Возьмем на работу бухгалтером", компания АО "В АД", обращаться Казанская область, д.Жадруново, ул. Безысходности, 6, Третий круг
