понедельник, 4 января 2021 г.

A parable

 - Are you familiar with the parable of the organ grinder's monkey? Now, the organ grinder's monkey is tiny in stature and havin been taken from the wild, he's naturally overwhelmed by the enormous world around him. But every morning, a sweet elderly woman dresses him in a fine suit of clothes. She fits him with a red velvet vest adorned with pearl buttons and a handsome red fez with a silk tassel. She slips on brocade shoes that curl at the toe. And he's paired with a fine gilt music box on an exquisite gold chain fastened to his neck and his neck alone. Whenever he ventures into the city perform, he thinks: "What a powerful fellow I must be. Look how patiently everyone waits just to watch me dance." "And wherever I go", he thinks, "this music box must follow, and with it, this poor downtrodden man. And if I chose not to dance, this sorry street peddler would starve, and every time I do decide to dance, every time . . . he must play, whether he wishes to or not. "

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